


今年, Maine and Oregon were the first states in the nation to pass legislation creating Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs for paper and packaging. Programs that if not implemented with care could have significant and adverse effects on highly recycled materials, 像纸. 
展望2022年, there are potentially other states and jurisdictions that will consider EPR approaches that could have negative consequences for the paper and wood products industry.  

Our industry has long been committed to an effective and efficient system for paper recycling and policies should recognize this.

EPR programs may be an effective policy solution for products that are difficult to collect or process, 回收率低,或者没有健康的终端市场.  

然而,这些条件都不适用于纸或纸质包装. Our industry creates sustainable paper products used every day by millions of people, 使纸成为世界上最广泛回收的材料之一. 

此外, EPR项目不应该是单一的, 全面的回答, 而是广泛解决方案的一部分. A solution where the responsibilities of all stakeholders are properly attributed and fulfilled, 所有的材料类型都有相当大的份额. 

事实上, producer responsibility is something we are already doing and have been focused on for years. And significant success has occurred—success that has been voluntary and market-driven.  

十大菠菜软件 has concerns about policy approaches that would disrupt the success of paper recycling, which currently delivers recycled products to the hands of consumers in a highly efficient and market-based approach. 

纸的回收是成功的,原因有很多, 特别是, 因为消费者教育, 回收项目的广泛可用性, 以及重大的行业投资. That investment has occurred in everything from collection programs to making products more sustainable and circular.  

Every year since 2009, the recycling rate for paper has met or exceeded 63%. Take a moment to consider that the paper recovered for recycling in the U.S. 仅2020年就能填满近4000座华盛顿纪念碑.  

此外,美国使用的66%的纸张.S. was recycled last year, including nearly 89% of all cardboard boxes and corrugated containers.  

回收纤维是电子竞技赌注的软件工厂的重要原料&PA members own 114 materials recovery facilities (MRFs) around the country. We also continue to make significant and important investments in recycling, including building new markets for increased utilization of recycled paper fibers. 

Our industry has announced investments by 2023 aimed at increasing the consumption of recovered paper by U.S. 与2020年相比,纸张和纸板厂将减少25%. No other industry is developing markets for recycled materials at that rate or scale. 

从麦片盒到纸巾, 或者是放在你家门口的电子商务盒子, 许多纸制品都含有可回收的成分. 

然而, EPR schemes and recycled content mandates for paper products could make recovered paper markets costly and less efficient. 

The bottom line is we do not want anything to disrupt the industry’s achievements in paper recycling. 在未来的一年里,你的声音和参与将是至关重要的. 电子竞技赌注的软件需要您帮助分享纸张回收的好消息和成功.  

无论是接触民选代表, 组织社区领导参观工厂, signing up for our grassroots alerts on our website or joining our industry in policy conversations at the state level, 电子竞技赌注的软件每个人都有责任保持信息灵通, building relationships and advocating for the environmental success story that is paper recycling. 

We need policymakers to seek out our industry and bring us into conversations about EPR programs. We need them to understand the opportunities and consequences of their policy decisions. 电子竞技赌注的软件需要电子竞技赌注的软件的行业发出统一的声音,让人们听到. And we need to work together as we advance and build upon the long-held success of paper recycling. 

Learn more about our industry’s achievements and its paper recycling success at tp0q.90bc.net/priorities/recycling 并与电子竞技赌注的软件就EPR问题保持联系 参观90bc.net/get-involved

美国森林 & 造纸协会&PA)有助于推动美国的发展.S. paper and wood products manufacturers through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. 林产品工业本质上是循环的. 十大菠菜软件 member companies make essential products from renewable and recyclable resources, generate renewable bioenergy and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability initiative —Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future. 林产品工业约占美国经济总量的5%.S. 制造业占国内生产总值, manufactures about $350 billion in products annually and employs about 925,000人. The industry meets a payroll of about $65 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 43 states. 访问房颤&私人助理网上网址: 90bc.net 或者在推特上关注电子竞技赌注的软件 @Forestand纸